Tuesday, May 5, 2015


With Coach Jimmy K

Pain is the body's natural alert system. When you are injured or have another underlying internal issue the pain alerts the brain through the nervous system where the issue is so the brain can produce neurotransmitters known as neuropeptides and endorphins so that the injury or infected area can begin to repair and heal. 

Acute pain is directly correlated to the level of damaged or diseased tissue and the body has a natural protective reflex that makes one stop when it senses pain from an activity. When the damaged or diseased tissue heals then the pain generally subsides.

Depending on how severe the injury or internal issue is pain can persists after a reasonable healing period. This can be caused by extended use of pain medications and the age of the individual. When a young child sprains their ankle in a sport event they exit the game for ten minutes and the body's neuropeptides go to work rapidly naturally repairing the damaged ankle. Now fast forward 50 years and a 58 year old has the same ankle issue, it will now take much longer because as we grow older our bodies are polluted with toxins, preservatives and excessive use of medications that have caused the nervous system, endocrine and immune system not to work as they did at a young age.

Acutepain that continues for more than 3 to 6 months is labeled Chronicpain and even though the injury or damaged tissue has healed the pain continues. Therefore chronic pain can remain in the nervous system for weeks or months and even years and can be accelerated by stress, anxiety and lack of mobility or exercise. The body needs to be re-balanced and communication lanes between the brain and the nervous systems need to be repaired.

In the 1970's a scientist named Alexander Kerasev created a technology called SCENAR that for over 40 years has allowed the body and brain to communicate on a neuro cellular level. That technology was improved in 1998 by DENAS MS Corporation and is now known as Dynamic Electro Neuro Adaptive Stimulation. Denas devices have been used by Hospitals, Clinics and Therapist for year with great results. 

Through application of the device to affected area the nerve receptors in the skin transfer special frequencies to the brain and then the brain communicates to the central nervous system to address the pain or area of damaged or diseased tissue. I mentioned earlier that the younger you are the body heals faster but for someone over 50 years of age the body's creation of these healing peptides have slowed down. Therefore the device naturally gives the body the frequency that the brain and CNS needs to jump start the production of these endorphins and neuropeptides allowing the body to once again repair and heal itself naturally.

Remember that therapy and results depends on severity of the pain and whether it is acute or chronic. If you have been suffering from Chronic pain for years the Denas Therapy can relieve your pain naturally without drugs or side effects and through continued therapy Denas can help the body repair internal issues, but it takes the commitment and dedication of setting aside time each day for 2- 4 thirty minute sessions.
These can be in the morning or throughout the day and in the evening while you are relaxing or watching TV. No more stress about scheduling appointments, 

The Denas PCM4 is compact, portable and easy to use and you do not need any special medical training to operate the unit.

For more information on how DENAS can get rid of Chronic Pain and Health issues read more.  http://www.denaspainreliefstore.com/index.html

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